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Traffic Analysis for BGP Telecity Giga Link 2 to Internet

System: Fiber Link Giga to Internet
Maintainer: CTN1 NOC
Description: GigabitEthernet3/1
ifType: ethernetCsmacd (6)
ifName: Gi3/1
Max Speed: 1000.0 Mbits/s

The statistics were last updated Sunday, 13 February 2005 at 21:15,
at which time 'core1-c6k-paris.ctn1.net' had been up for 27 days, 2:42:47.
`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)
Max  In: 114.0 Mb/s (11.4%) Average  In: 46.2 Mb/s (4.6%) Current  In: 114.0 Mb/s (11.4%)
Max  Out: 195.4 Mb/s (19.5%) Average  Out: 167.7 Mb/s (16.8%) Current  Out: 191.8 Mb/s (19.2%)

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)
Max  In: 108.3 Mb/s (10.8%) Average  In: 46.5 Mb/s (4.6%) Current  In: 55.5 Mb/s (5.6%)
Max  Out: 214.4 Mb/s (21.4%) Average  Out: 169.4 Mb/s (16.9%) Current  Out: 190.8 Mb/s (19.1%)

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)
Max  In: 99.5 Mb/s (9.9%) Average  In: 43.8 Mb/s (4.4%) Current  In: 58.2 Mb/s (5.8%)
Max  Out: 212.6 Mb/s (21.3%) Average  Out: 167.8 Mb/s (16.8%) Current  Out: 192.2 Mb/s (19.2%)

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)
Max  In: 55.6 Mb/s (5.6%) Average  In: 40.5 Mb/s (4.1%) Current  In: 46.9 Mb/s (4.7%)
Max  Out: 196.1 Mb/s (19.6%) Average  Out: 155.8 Mb/s (15.6%) Current  Out: 165.3 Mb/s (16.5%)

GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second

version 2.9.17 Tobias Oetiker and   Dave Rand 
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